
Academic and Student Support

Academic Support

University School is committed to providing a rigorous academic program that includes the appropriate supports for each of our students. We have Learning Specialists at each division. If a student has been identified with a diagnosed learning difference, a formal learning plan may be put into place by the learning team for accommodations in the classroom. The accommodations and level of support varies by division, and as developmentally appropriate.

It is assumed that every student who is enrolled at University School is able to meet the School's academic expectations. For this reason, we will make reasonable accommodations, but do not change the academic standards for boys on learning plans. For more information, prospective US families should contact the admission office.

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • Lower School

    • Reading and Math interventions provided as needed based on benchmark data
    • Management of learning plan 
    • Classroom and testing accommodations 
    • Small group support depending on learning difference and schedule
    • Consultation with teachers 
    • LEARNING SPECIALISTS: Alyx Voytilla (Jr. K – Grade 2) & Emma Royan (Grades 3 – 5)
  • Middle School

    • Management of learning plan 
    • Classroom and testing accommodations 
    • Access to Guided Study Hall or Academic Seminar depending on learning difference and schedule
    • Consultation with teachers and sponsors
    • LEARNING SPECIALIST: Beth Herdering (Grades 7 & 8) and Erin Peron (Grades 5 & 6)
  • Upper School

    • Management of formal accommodations (extended time on assessments, up to time and a half, small group, quiet testing, electronic book resources, preferential seating)
    • Assistance with learning and test taking strategies
    • Coordination of accommodations with standardized testing boards (PSAT, SAT, AP, ACT)
    • Assistance with applying for accommodations at chosen college or university
    • Organizational support
    • LEARNING SPECIALISTS: Katherine Radwancky and Aaron Sayre

Student Support

US is committed to supporting the whole boy, including their social and emotional development. US has a full time school counselor and school psychologist who provide direct and indirect services for social/emotional development of boys in grades Jr.K-8. These services continue in grades 9-12 with the guidance of two consulting clinical psychologists. Through collaboration and consultation with school personnel, parents/guardians, community partners and agencies/organizations we coordinate support and resources for the boy’s overall wellness.  We assist the boys in building their knowledge of self, which includes skills and mindsets to set goals, solve problems, and reason through complex choices related to social, emotional, and educational development.  We also assist in helping boys develop and utilize healthy coping skills to manage life’s stressors.

We Promote

  • Self Awareness
  • Self Determination
  • Self Advocacy
  • Accountability

Our mission

The Learning Specialists at University School support the students, faculty, and parents in the education of boys with identified learning differences. We do the following:
  • Help classroom teachers understand learning differences and how their classrooms can accommodate those boys.
  • Advocate on behalf of boys with learning differences so that they can work to their potential.
  • Help boys understand their learning difference and how it impacts their learning, continue to develop self-advocacy skills, and develop a toolbox of strategies based on their strengths.
  • Work with parents to understand the learning profile of their sons and how to best support them at home.

Shaker Heights Campus JUNIOR K – GRADE 8

20701 Brantley Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
Phone: (216) 321-8260

Hunting Valley Campus GRADES 9 – 12

2785 SOM Center Road, Hunting Valley, Ohio 44022
Phone: (216) 831-2200