In fifth grade, students elect to pursue French, Latin, or Spanish for their middle school studies, embarking on an exciting journey into their chosen language and culture. Taught largely in the target language, the goal of the modern language courses is communication in both oral and written forms; whereas, Latin focuses primarily on fluent translation, though some aspects of spoken Latin are integrated into the courses. Boys complete Level 1 over the course of fifth and sixth grades.
Students continue their exciting journey into their chosen language and culture of Latin, French, or Spanish. Taught largely in the target language, the goal of the modern language courses is communication in both oral and written forms; whereas, Latin focuses primarily on fluent translation, though some aspects of spoken Latin are integrated into the courses. Boys complete Level 1 over the course of fifth and sixth grade, building solid skills and habits prior to entering Level 2 of their chosen language
GRADES 7 & 8
Students continue their chosen language studies of French, Latin, or Spanish. Taught largely in the target language, the goal of the modern language courses is communication in both oral and written forms; whereas, Latin focuses primarily on fluent translation, though some aspects of spoken Latin are integrated into the courses. Boys complete Level 2 over the course of seventh and eighth grade. In all three languages, teachers foster a classroom environment where boys work hard to master the core skills and knowledge that will lay a foundation for further study in the Upper School. The majority of our students leave the Middle School poised to enter Level 3 study of their chosen language in ninth grade. Boys have the opportunity to take their knowledge and learning to the next level with international travel programs during spring and summer breaks.