In an environment that encourages exploration and risk taking, boys are able to deepen their mathematical understanding. Third graders expand their math knowledge in multiplication, division, fractions, rectangular arrays, area, and two-dimensional objects using the Bridges math curriculum. They continue to develop and expand their problem-solving abilities through open-ended mathematical exploration, the use of algorithms, and the modeling of word problems in multiple formats.
In third grade, boys refine their ability to comprehend, sequence, draw inferences, compare and contrast, identify the main idea, and explore plot and character development. They write original and experience-based stories. They gather and assess information from a variety of sources. They also learn to find and synthesize new information into their research assignments and to be responsible for editing and organizing their research into final drafts. Cursive writing instruction continues.
In third grade, boys engage in interactive science activities with the science teacher that connect with their classroom theme. The science teacher’s role is to plan experiences that enable students to ask questions, make discoveries, and practice skills necessary for inquiry-based science investigations. Key concepts and topics include the impact of cultures on the environment, ecosystems, constellations, latitude and longitude, plant life cycles, birds of prey, coral reefs, decomposition, food webs, Australian animals, geography, mapping, climate zones, rocks and minerals, rivers, nutrition and maple sugaring.