Middle School (5-8)

Physical Education

Physical Education

Our mission is to provide successful physical experiences for all boys through a curriculum designed to foster and develop the knowledge and values, physical skills, and practices necessary for personal physical fitness and lifetime wellness.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION is an integral part of the educational process at University School. The physical education program provides unique contributions to the total growth and development of each boy primarily through movement experiences. The National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes guide our program for Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12 Physical Education developed by the Society of Health and Physical Education and the Ohio Content Standards. 

Early in the physical education experience we focus on the mastery of basic movements. The skills progress to the development and refinement of more complex skills. To teach these skills, it is essential that students participate in a wide variety of physical activities. The program is designed to be sequential while paralleling the physical, emotional and social development of boys. In addition to learning new skills each year, previously taught skills and concepts are reinforced and refined.
The physical education facilities on the Shaker campus are many and include a football field, two soccer fields, an outside teaching area, a six-lane 400-meter artificial surface track, three baseball fields, eight tennis courts, a double-size gymnasium, a wrestling room and a four lane 25-yard indoor pool.

Physical education focuses on sport-related activities, physical fitness, and recreational and lifetime activities. Emphasis is placed on refining specialized skills in sport-related activities, team-building activities, and simple game strategies. Fourteen sports activities are offered and include soccer, floor hockey, swimming, and baseball.

The sixth-grade program focuses on sport-related activities, physical fitness, recreational and lifetime activities. Our program provides an opportunity for each boy to develop increased participation and appreciation for specific sports they may wish to choose at the interscholastic level in seventh and eighth grades. The boys meet for forty minutes four times a week. More emphasis is placed on sportsmanship, refining specialized skills in sport-related activities, as well as simple game strategies.

GRADES 7 & 8
The seven and eighth physical education program focuses on physical fitness, recreational and lifetime activities. Our curriculum offers activities in both team and individual sport games, fitness activities such as aquatics, aerobic activities and recreational games.


The HEALTH program becomes more specialized in the middle school grades. Our curriculum is based on the HECAT: Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. The boys cover six major topics when they are developmentally appropriate: personal health and wellness, mental and emotional health, nutrition for health, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, violence and safety, and sexual health.

Outdoor Leadership & Lifetime Activities

The mission of the OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP and LIFETIME ACTIVITIES program is to help boys develop leadership skills by communicating or following one's thoughts and ideas in a group setting. The activities provide students with initiatives that physically and mentally engage boys.

The sixth-grade curricula are large-group initiatives that incorporate different types of communication, thinking of unconventional solutions, and allowing leaders to emerge by verbally stating to the group the various solutions on how to solve a problem.

GRADE 7 (Problem Solving)
The seventh-grade curriculum is based on the boys solving initiatives that use their hands with pieces of equipment. These sets of challenges engage the boys to consistently build on the skills they have been applying in fifth and sixth grade (communicating, developing a plan, developing strategies to solve a problem).

GRADE 8 (Challenge by Choice)
The eighth grade is based on trust and a philosophy called Challenge by Choice, a virtual contract between the teacher and student. Each student makes the choice between what is a safe or what he perceives as an unsafe challenge. The group is given directions to solve a problem during each initiative and plans how to best solve it while incorporating safety, spotting, and trust into the solution. The boys come away with a sense of accomplishment and trust amongst their peers.

Physical Education Chair

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of William Jones

    Mr. Bill Jones 

    Molten Chair in Athletics, Director of Physical Education Jr. K-8
    216-371-6818 x8251

Shaker Heights Campus JUNIOR K – GRADE 8

20701 Brantley Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122
Phone: (216) 321-8260

Hunting Valley Campus GRADES 9 – 12

2785 SOM Center Road, Hunting Valley, Ohio 44022
Phone: (216) 831-2200